Marian Catholic Gift Card Program
Everyone buys groceries, puts gas in their car, and goes out to eat. The gift card program is a great way to support
Marian Catholic students. Depending on the store, Marian Catholic receives a percentage of every card purchased.
This money goes directly into the Tuition Assistance Fund. When you purchase a gift card, you may direct your percentage to a
specific student. If you do not have a specific designation, funds are placed in the Tuition Assistance Fund and are distributed
based on the greatest need. Gift card orders and payments are due Tuesdays by 10 AM. Checks should be made
payable to MCHS. Students may drop off requests in the Main Office to the attention of Ms. Feathers.
Others who wish to purchase gift cards should contact Andrea Feathers at afeathers@mariancatholichs.org to order.