Community Service
Community service hours are integral to the mission of Marian Catholic High School.
Parish/Church - You can apply the following to your service requirement: worker for parish picnics and festivals, CCD assistant, church office work, CYO volunteer.
Community - Service to the community at large, especially to the poor, sick, elderly and uneducated will qualify: Soup kitchens, tutoring, Big Brother/Big Sister, Habitat for Humanity, nursing homes, hospitals.
The Marian Cares Project – Throughout the year, social and cultural outreach is made available through The Marian Cares Project. These MCP-specific projects are performed in conjunction with homeless and poverty outreach programs in the local community.
All hours performed for a non-profit charitable organization may include: your parish, Catholic and non-Catholic charitable organizations, CYO and other youth sports organizations, or community organizations outside the school.All service should support the mission of the Catholic Church. See your theology department: Mr. Smith, Mrs. Matunis, and/or Miss Martini for clarification.
Students cannot receive any form of payment or other remuneration for service hours.
All Christian community service must be for an organization outside of your home and not for personal relatives (exceptions should be addressed to the Coordinator of Service). In some way, this service should make the Gospel message of Jesus Christ visible to you, as the servant, and to those you are serving.
All community service forms that fulfill the minimum requirement for a student’s class year need to be submitted to Mrs. Matunis, Coordinator of Service no later than April 30 each year.
If a student completes his/her service during the summer, his/her forms should be turned in to Mrs. Matunis, Coordinator of Service by September 30 each year. If the service is done on multiple days the paper can contain the multiple dates, however, it must still be handed in one calendar month after the final date listed on the form.
All questions pertaining to the acceptability of community service should be addressed to
the Coordinator of Service, Director of Campus Ministry, or the Chaplain.
Service hours completed during the summer months are applied to the next school year (i.e., Joe worked a CYO Basketball camp from June 20-24. Those hours will be applied to the current school year.)
Minimum Number of Community Service Hours:
Freshmen – 10 hours
Sophomores – 20 hours
Juniors – 20 hours
Seniors – 30 hours -
Students who actively participate in The Marian Cares Project can fulfill their community service requirement for the year. Approval for a student meeting his/her community service requirement through The Marian Cares Project is determined by the Coordinator for the Marian Cares Project. Please make sure that the MCP Coordinator signs your Service Hours Evaluation Form if you have participated in The Marian Cares Project.
Community service hours are integral to a student’s time at Marian Catholic High School. Students who neglect to complete their service hours and return the necessary paperwork to the Campus Ministry Office by the April 30 deadline will be deemed INELIGIBLE FOR ATHLETIC AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. Additionally, if a studentdoes not complete their hours by the end of the school year, they will receive 10 detentions to be served after the end of theacademic year in the summer. Also, students may not receive their report card at the end of the year, and seniors may not graduate.
Any questions about your service requirement should be addressed to the Coordinator of Service, Campus Minister, or the Chaplain.
If a student completes his/her service hours during the summer, he/she should turn them in to the Chaplain by September 30. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the hours of service and record the hours on the Service Hours form. Upon completing the service form, please submit to the Campus Ministry Office no later than one calendar month after the last date of service on the form was completed. If your service is performed in more than one place, you must have an individual form for all service hours at a single location to be added to your Community Service record. Additional forms are in the Campus Ministry Room and outside Mrs. Matunis’s classroom. For your hours to be added to your record, please be certain your forms are filled out completely and accurately.
The record of student service hours will be recorded by the Campus Ministry department.