Marian Catholic Alumni Search
The Marian High School Alumni Association, working in concert with the Advancement Office,
attempts to remain in contact with all of our proud graduates. Marian has unfortunately lost contact with some
individuals from your decade (see attached lists by class, and by maiden/last name).
We rely on the lifelong friendships made at Marian to help us find alumni who have moved or changed names over the years,
causing us to lose contact with them. If you recognize someone on the lists please provide us with their information (i.e. address,
phone number, e-mail address, married name) via https://www.mariancatholichs.org/alumni or ask them to contact us.
PLEASE NOTE: The alumni on the lists are considered "lost" because Marian does not have a current physical mailing
address for them. There may be some inconsistencies in our database, so please bear with us as we work out the kinks.